Deutsche Raumfahrtausstellung Morgenröthe-Rautenkranz e.V.
Deutsche Raumfahrtausstellung Morgenröthe-Rautenkranz e.V.
+49 37465 2538
+49 37465 2538

opening times

Tuesday - Sunday from
10.00am - 5.00pm
Closed on Mondays except public holidays.
last admission 4.30 pm
More information


Adults 9 Euro
Reduce 5 Euro
up to 6 years free entry
More information


Dr.-Sigmund-Jähn-Str. 4

08262 Muldenhammer
OT  Morgenröthe-Rautenkranz

Telefon: +49 37465 2538
Více informací
Logo - Deutsche Raumfahrtausstellung Morgenröthe-Rautenkranz e.V.
  • Large Hall

  • History of space exploration

  • Manned spaceflight

  • Manned spaceflight

  • Unmanned spaceflight

  • Unvergessen
    Dr. Sigmund Jähn - special exhibition
  • MIR base block

  • Planet park

  • Playground

Discover the fascination of spaceflight and space exploration

German Space Travel Exhibition
in Morgenröthe-Rautenkranz

Almost every German who has been into space and many Russian and American cosmonauts and astronauts have played their part in making this exhibition very special because they have donated personal gifts from their missions.
DRA - All-Bert
Internationale Raumstation

The main focus of what is a unique exhibition in Germany is

to demonstrate to the general public the benefits of pursuing research projects in space. Starting with a brief historical summary of developments in astronomy, the discoveries made as a result and man’s desire to leave his home planet, the exhibition documents the first experimental flights and rockets. The exhibition covers a wide spectrum encompassing the initial man-made satellites orbiting round the earth, the first Soviets and Americans in space, the moon landing programme, satellites and probes, either close to planet earth or travelling to distant galaxies, and the space stations from the early days to the new International Space Station.

The section of the exhibition that deals with manned space flight

mainly documents flights by German astronauts and cosmonauts. Particular emphasis is given to the flight made by the first German cosmonaut, Dr. Sigmund Jähn, who comes from Morgenröthe-Rautenkranz.

Visitors can not only see original space suits and research equipment, but also many interesting exhibits, which provide information about everyday life in a weightless world and how some results obtained during space flights are used in the fields of medicine, biology, industry and daily life.

The section of the exhibition dealing with unmanned space travel

is largely devoted to the broad range of satellite systems close to planet earth. This ranges from communications satellites that have become an integral part of modern life to weather satellites and even environmental and special research satellites. Thanks to the support from national and international space administrations and research institutes, visitors obtain some impressive information about the latest findings from remote sensing and environment monitoring satellites and how they are used to carry out research in the fields of meteorology, cartography, oceanology, communications and ecology.

The exhibition also provides many opportunities for visitors to expand their knowledge, discover new facts and experience what space travel is all about…

A glimpse of life in very cramped quarters is a very special experience.

The training module for the base unit of the MIR space station provides a vivid impression of life aboard. Many European space travellers completed the first stage of their training in this module.


9.00 €


up to 6 years free entry
free entry


5.00 €
Children 6 - 16
Disabled people

Family ticket

24.00 €
2 adults and 2 children
15.00 €
1 adult and 2 children
parents + 2 own children
and more up to 16 years
with grandchildren

from 10 persons

8.50 €
Children / Students

Guided tours

for groups of 20 - 40 persons
and for registration!
Prices per tour plus admission


Activate on site via QR code on your mobile device.
plus admission

exhibition guide


2.00 €
Prices without postage and admission

Closed on

24. - 25.12. / 01.01.

Open on public holidays

• all Easter holidays
• May 1st - Labor Day
• Ascension Day
• all Whitsun holidays
• October 3rd - German Unity Day
• October 31st - Reformation Day
• A day of prayer and repentance
• December 26th - Christmas Day

and on December 30th and 31st

Traffic information of the regio

Current traffic information for your arrival can be found under the following links.
Baustelleninfo-Sachsen-BoxInfos - Geoportal Vogtlandkreis
Deutsche Raumfahrtausstellung Morgenröthe-Rautenkranz e.V. als Grafik auf dem blauen Planeten
Logo - Entwicklungsprogramm für den ländlichen Raum (EPLR)Logo - Leader ProjektFamfreundliches Erlebnis TMGSLogos - BVS_NEUSTART_SOFORT
Deutsche Raumfahrtausstellung Morgenröthe-Raumfahrtausstellung e.V.
Deutsche Raumfahrtausstellung
Morgenröthe-Rautenkranz e.V.
Dr.-Sigmund-Jähn-Str. 4
08262 Muldenhammer
OT Morgenröthe-Rautenkranz
Deutsche Raumfahrtausstellung Morgenröthe-Rautenkranz e.V.
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